Friday, October 30, 2009

The one where Maths is concerned..

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A picture says a thousand words but even that sometimes isn't enough. Going thru a strange part of my life. Wondering about all past choices and if where I'm headed is the place I wanna be going.. Spending most of my time nowadays either at the uni, actually really going to all my classes and all, or at work or at home sleeping. Or watching my fave shows, did a quick recap yesterday with Grey's anatomy lst night. Thinking it's lost most of that loving feeling, but that always happens after a few seasons. Have neglected the gym way way too  many times in the past couple of months and have thus promised myself that starting the weekend will be going to gym every other day. Excited about the upcoming w/e for a great many number of reasons: my majorly annoying Maths exam will be over, Halloween!, getting more ink done, gonna go see The Ugly Truth in the theatres and as always will enjoy all the sleep. (Too bad have another exam on Monday, they really never let us off the hook..) Well wish me luck everyone, will be writing that exam in a little bit (nervous!).

Photos: ending a day at the lab, bored and tired during a Maths lecture at the uni, my best girl scout cookies smile (who doesn't love chocolate chip?), flowers I passed on the way home and the last time I was at gym (I go crazy odd hours to avoid the crowds, was really psyched to have the changing rooms all to myself hence the photo:)

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