Friday, December 14, 2012

DIY Felt Pizza

So as promised here is a DIY post of how to make a felt pizza. I'm giving it to my boyfriend's niece (she's almost two) who is getting a kitchenette as a Christmas present from her parents so I thought a pizza would be a nice additional gift. I was inspired to do this when I saw the DIY kitchenette post over on a beautiful mess - an awesome blog filled with loads of DIYs and inspiration posts.

Supplies needed: scissors, needle, different colored threads, different colored felt, cotton balls (for stuffing), pizza box, paper, pencil (for the templates)

1. I first made paper templates for the pizza slices: a crust, cheese topping and tomato sauce template.

2. Copy the templates onto the felt by using a pencil and then cut out the felt pieces.

3. Cut out the cheese toppings and the tomato sauce from the different colored felt pieces and make sure that the pieces fit unto the crust felt piece.

4. Sew the cheese onto the tomato sauce piece and then sew this piece onto the crust piece. I used yellow thread to sew on the cheese part and red to sew on the tomato sauce. After you have the "base" of the pizza sewed, you will want to add the toppings. *

 5. Add any toppings that you think should be on the pizza: I mainly used mushrooms, basil, olives (black & green), also some pepperoni slices, an anchovy, onion, an egg, even truffles! After sewing on the toppings, you will want to sew the bottom crush part of the pizza onto the top part. I first sewed one side, then the counter side - leaving the top "crust" side open - stuffed the pizza with cotton balls; and then sewed the last part.

And there you have it. I think it's a nice touch to decorate the pizza box. I glued in some nice paper I had leftover (from a pair of Irregular Choice shoes) and added stickers before fixing it all with wide see-through tape. I also decorated the top part of the box with felt cut-outs. (Her name is Justina.)

 I really hope she enjoys her new pizza! If I have to be honest I'll say it was quite a lot of work. I also made a few cookies but then gave up because I'm not used to sewing and my hand was beginning to hurt like hell. Also if I was giving this to my kid (I don't have kids) I probably wouldn't have put the pepperoni and ham toppings on the pizza - since I do not eat pork - but since the boy's family loves pork-based toppings on their pizzas, I thought I should do it as they would like.

I'll let you know how Justa liked it after Christmas!

* I originally thought I would make just plain pizza slices and have the toppings not sewed on, so that she could play with the toppings herself and create her own pizza flavors but she's still too young for such small pieces, so I had to sew them on as well.

Happy Holidays!


Pink Haired Princess said...

that's beautiful, I'm sure she'll love it!

Very Veronique said...

thank you so much, I sure hope so!