Thursday, December 13, 2012


Wow. I haven't been here in such a long time! I am truly sorry for neglecting this here blog but I was sick with a bad case of angina. I was basically bed locked for the past two three weeks. And now that I'm back to functioning I'm frantically trying to get the rest of my Christmas gifts settled. I'll be honest and say that I'm buying most of the presents and making only a tiny tiny portion of them but it still feels like Christmas has crept up on me and I'm so not prepared.

In other news I was at a party not long ago and here are a few pictures. (It feels I haven't posted any photos in ages..)

While I was on facebook today, I came upon a "your year" summary feature and it showed the following photo and I just couldn't not share it with you. It's me & Dracul on the annual Sedmihorky Pig-club trip. I can't believe I could still lift him up in the summer (I can't anymore).

 Man, I miss the summer! (Nowadays Dracul doesn't even want to go outside at all so I have to force him and he always makes a sense/ screams and it is so annoying...) Anyhoo, I have a DIY Christmas gift post planned that I will post tomorrow. So stay tuned and have a lovely Thursday! Bya!

1 comment:

Pink Haired Princess said...

welcome back, sorry to hear you've been unwell. I was thankfully very prepared for Christmas this year with all my presents bought before december. I've been unwell this week, so it was just as well everything has been posted etc