Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear blog..

Had spent all day killing time (looong experiment with a 6 hour gap, don't ask, just pity me) and so checked all my emails, replied to them all, talked on the phone with my best friend for a good half an hour (well I'm still at work right, so can't be TOO obvious), tried working on my webpage project for the university, read everyone's statuses on facebook and thus had a chance to go through my favorite blogs and lucky me, find some interesting new ones.

This one kills. Really, love the way it's all truth yet so good and so very in your face. I mean, dear diary!
This one brought me to Dear Diary, language wise could be a tad better but this girl's got spunk and I'm willing to acknowlegde that.
This one really is just to practice my French.
Amber always makes me laugh, (this one's an oldie but goldie).
This one makes me wanna go shopping (well, actually, they all kinda do but it's the new year and all, and I'm trying to be good better this time around).
This one I love and find real sweet and am lusting after all the jewelry.

Anyways, if any of you are as bored as me right now, go on, check some of them out. Maybe you'll see something that catches your eye. I'm about to go and finish the experiment and then sod off home instead of enjoying the night because alas exam month is in full bloom. Though prolly will cheat a bit and think happy blonde thoughts of being fabulous (that cover below, now that's hot) and watch an episode or two of Californication and Blackbooks.. Because obviously, like you can't expect me to be all good, right?

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