Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MsVeve has a new look ♥

Yeah. No longer blonde. But still pretty bad ass. Am fucking happy. Yeay!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lusting after.. edice vecicky do bytecku

Jak jistě víte, chystám se brzy stěhovat. No a byteček sice má být z části zařízen (pračka, trouba, dvouvařič, postel, malý stoleček a dvě židle:) ale je pár věcí, které budu muset časem dokoupit. Jako například psací stůl. Nutnost! Byla jsem včera na "procházce" v Ikee a našla jsem tenhle, který se mi moc libí. Je krásně sytě červený a takový prostě celkově veselý a já opravdu teď potřebuji trochu radosti. Zásuvky, které jsou napravo, jsou sice k němu zvlášť ale i tak je za celkem rozumnou cenu a na rozdíl od většiny ostatních není úplně obří a mě by se tam větší asi těžko vešel..

Pak mě zaujala tato skříň, hlavně z toho důvodu, že má (viz další fotka) na dveřích přes celou plochu zrcadla. Které by nádherně zvětšily dojem pokoje a zárověň je to velice praktické, pač já zrcadla ráda:). Ale zdála se mi trochu drahá, takže se spíš pokusím najít podobnou jinde..

Ale musite však uznat, že ta zrcadla jsou užasná, že?

Ráda bych měla byteček trochu sladěný a aby se doplňky příliš navzájem nebily tak bych ráda držela, alespoň u toho, u čeho to půjde, jistý barevný tón. Z toho důvodu mě tyhle nástěnné hodiny zaujaly..

Budka na kliče. Až zas budu mít někdy zbytečných stopade tak do ní jdu:)) Že bych ji ale třeba eventuálně přelakovala na červeno? Možnosti jsou téměř neomezené. :)

Jednoduchá ale na druhou stranu ne moc zajímavá. Ale ve stejném odstínu červené..

Mnohem zajímavější ale jiná červená a taky dražší.

V čem mám absolutně jasno je, že chci mít všude krásné svíčky. Už mám docela slušnou zásobu doma ale nikdy víc neuškodí! :))

Pak také ale chci nějaké rostlinky ale byteček půůsobil tak jaakože živě.

Tak momentálně o všem jenom sním a planuji a snažím se tím zabavit. Zatím jsem koupila jen velký A4kový červený rámmeček, který také ladí do stejné barevné harmonie. A jinak se zbytkem postupem času si to nějak dořeším a doufám, že budu spokojená. Jinak vše co vidíte naahoře je Ikea a bylo to prostě, co mě včera zaujalo. Ale kdoví jak to dopadne..

Translation: Looking for things into teh new flat, went to Ikea yesterday and was taking pictures of things I might buy once I'll be able to afford anything. Thinking of a bright happy red working table, to cheer things up a bit. Also contemplating on a mirrored closet to make the room seem bigger. Then I'd like aa nice big red wall clock to go with the desk and a red lamp to keep things in key. Otherwise the flat will be all candled and be-planted.:) I want it be give off the feeling of being alive in a sense. I want my own little paradise. I want it to make me happy after so much pain..

Země mluví

Tvrdá matka byla jsem tobě.
Těžce chléb jísti dala.
Nehýčkala jsem robě,
muže jsem zraňovala.
Když prohlédly poprvé tvé oči vyjevené,
smutný se obzor před tebou šířil.
Mluvila jsem o ráně zasazené,
které čas neusmířil.

Na nás oba padal těžký stín,
matka tvrdá byla jsem, ty tvrdý syn.
Nepozdvihl jsi pro mne rámě.
S láskou jsi nepomyslil na mě.
Když vítr zahučel, zapraštěl mráz,
neslyšel jsi můj hlas.
A já přec mluvila, vidouc tvou psotu,
bídu, jež věčně tě štve.
A z úst mých zamlklých zaznělo tu:
Vezmi si své.

Těžké břímě nosím.
Přichází radost, nebo děs?
Slyšíš mne dnes?
Matka, syna prosím.
Haj si mne. Braň si mne. Neoslyš matky.
Haj si mne. Braň si mne. Ať shoří statky,
pole ať udupou, zničí.
Zítra zas símě vzklíčí.
Chystala jsem ti úděl, děcko.
Úděl jsem tobě chystala.
Chraň si mne. Haj si mne. V moci tvé všecko:
aby ztroskotala loď, anebo přistala.

Neoslyš slova varující:
Neprodej úděl za čočovici.
Třeba mne opustíš,
Ale víš,
kolik sem přijde stínů?
Kolikrát pěst bude potomek zatínat
a syn tvůj kolikrát bude tě proklínat?

Nezahynu, věčna jsem,
ale žít budu s trapným úžasem:
kterak jsi zapomněl dědičný na díl?
Kterak jsi váhal a kterak jsi zradil?
Jak možno kletý čin provésti vědomky?
Sebe jsi zradit moh. Ale své potomky?
Dokavád dýchal jsi, proč ses vzdal?
Čeho ses bál?
Co je to smrt?
Smrt znamená jít ke mně.
Tvá matka země
otvírá náruč: možno bys jí zhrd?
Pojď, poznáš, jak je náruč země měkká
pro toho, který splnil, co čeká.
Prosím tě, matka tvá: Braň si mne, synu!
Jdi, třeba k smrti těžko jdeš.
Opustíš-li mne, nezahynu.
Opustíš-li mne, zahyneš!

Viktor Dyk

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dreaming of the summer sun..

That's right. Strips, gold buttons, high waisted tight jeans, open toes, wedges, ahoy sailor! And I cannot wait to get rid of that cast btw. I know I said I'd be gone for awhile but this outfit begged me to be posted. You know, in that way clothes talk to us.. Sadly I'll be wearing this today without those darling wedges since snow hell still strong out there and it's just not as cute with ugg boots is it? Tant pis. Till that summer sun shines on us**

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm empty inside. There's no emotions left. No. There are. Of course there are. I'm lying to myself. I'm split in two. Part of me running away and the other half just standing there, waiting. Wondering if something will happen. Hoping something will happen. An act of courage and love. Something to prove I should stay. No. Here I go again. I shouldn't fool myself any longer. I should embrace the new and look ahead. I should plan my new flat and look for a second job. I should stop thinking about my hair. I should find a balance. I should start eating again. The only good part of this is I fit my tightest jeans now. But for what cost.. I look and feel like a zombie. At least I still have Buddy. See him here trying to cheer me up? He is an angel.

Take care everyone. I'll be taking a blogging break for a while and should be back sometime next week with news about the move and etc.

Till then.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Still on the hunt :)

I'm on the look out for perfect accessories for the flat. And there's so much to think over, I'll be waiting till I get the keys and all (should be sometime next week, yeay!) and will spend a lot of time planning in my head before anything actually happens ( I want PERFECTION). Anyways I want a lot of art surrounding me and inspiring me. As I mentioned in the last post I'll be taking the paints etc. but I allso want some prints of my sweethearts (Marilyn and Johnny). I love this poster I found and am wondering if I should order it or not. Love the color, love her and the message? Well, yes, there's that;). Anyone have any good tips?

An ode to heartbreak

There's no feelings left where I am. In a deep dark place where you had sent me. I cannot even bare to look at you. There's nothing there, nothing left. I had loved you, yes, but you had taken that love for granted. You thought you could do what exactly? I will never understand you. How could you? And I could never trust you again. How could you say you love me and then behind my back... I will never look at you the same. I will probably never let anyone get so close ever again. You have broken me in two and I had used to bend over backwards for you. All that is left now is a dry angry laughter. I laugh. I laugh at the irony of it, to think I had always given you everything, anything you have ever wanted. And you trampled upon it. I had spread my dreams under your feet but you barely noticed. It's over now. It has to be. Let me go. I wish you the best, I really do. But, lover lost, we are through.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day time dreaming

As you may know, I'll be moving soon to my very own rented apartment (now that I'm done looking for the flat, I'm looking for a second job :D) and am super excited and anxious and la la la. In the mean time I'm making long lists of things I'll need to buy and wish lists of how to decorate my dreamy girly flat. ♥

There's so many choices and possibilities and I'm not even sure yet in what style I want to have the flat in. I just know I want it to be perfect. It's the first time I'll be living on my own and get to really actually decide everything for myself! Perfection. I've already bought something into the flat just two days ago (totally ridiculous but I bought too pairs of slippers, haha, one pair hot pink for myself and the other an intoxicating blue) and now I'm mentally selecting from all my belongings what I'll be taking with. All my clothes and shoes and handbags, jewelry, make-up of course but I mean from all the rest of my crap.

I'll definitely need to buy a closet and a desk since cannot move the ones I have (would just be too much work and my desk is in one piece so is really unmoveable and my closet is already falling apart so a new one is in order). I plan on taking these almost new totally sweet cabinets I've got and my laundry baskets, lamps etc:D. I'll be taking about a million books. I'll def. bring along my favorite paintings and photos (Don Quijote with a wind mill behind him, then one my Dad painted of Greak traffic, the simply framed photograph of 'The Cigarette Girl', my picaso photograph-framed print, though that might be a bit tricky to get off the wall, then most of the photos of my family, friends and loved ones I've got hanging all across my room..). Then all of the little tid bits that'll make my new flat feel like home:) The only down point is I cannot take Buddy with me but considering the flat will be ten minutes by tram away from my parent's house, I'll get to visit and hang out all the time so we're okay.

Now my wish list is a bit more complicated, since I don't want it to be total chaos, the flat is kinda tiny and I don't really have any money to spend. I wish I could get a rocking chair, all kinds of perfect stylish throw pillows, a huge retro clock, some sweet kitchen equipment, a good sound system (though this is pretty much utopia). While day dreaming and surfing the net I found these cute lamps and a rocking chair. How sweet right? Well stay tuned for the results (due in quite soon actually, hoping to be moving around the 25th). Wish me luck!!

What to wear to a cocktail party..

Best thing about cocktail parties? They're supposed to be fun, so you actually get to have some fun with what you wear as well. Tight body-con dresses, length above the knee, colors. You name it, you got it. And my favorite part (well obviously besides the clutch bag:D)? Bling. Yeeeeah baby.

My Best friend and I went to a perfect Lancome anniversary party at Lucerna and honestly they went all-out, the food was divine, oh and the wiiine:D. No, that's just silly rhyme. But seriously, it was a great night. And best part? The pre-view showing of the film "Valentine's Day". Awwww SO SWEET. Some parts were a bit over-done and well classic hollywood movie but still, had a grrreat time and if you like a bit of the old rom-com, I highly recommend it.

Have a good night everyone and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.

be my Valentine;)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm cut. In half.
And a piece missing.
I wish. I had.
Something more.
I need. To feel.
Loved beyond compare.
You still. Deceive.
Reasons I'm here for.
I'm cut. To pieces.
Bleeding inside out.
I hope. That you.
Will make me whole.
I want. To make.
Everything alright.
I can't. Wait.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Upside down. Inside out.

Am in a turmoil of happenings. (Looking for a flat.) So many that I thought were cute were already taken when I called, some even during my looking at them (uggh!) and some were just plain hideous, scary and way way over-priced. But alas I have found one that I am in la la la with. (Called but Friday night, so will try again tomorrow or until the sky turns red.) I so hope the flat will be rented by moi. Like the only thought I have.. It is AMAZING. Really adorable and girly. I don't really wanna post any pictures until I know for a fact that it'll be mine but to get at least a general idea of it, here are two. It's got a darling little kitchen, a stove (yeay!), a nice bed (yeay!), a washing machine in the bathroom (huge yeay!) and so on. There's even this cute study corner by the window. Expect loads more pictures if I'm successful:)) WISH ME LUCK!!!

Story of Wynn - beginning

The sun had died by now surely. A distant glint was all that was left to Summer Wynn and her lonely view. It was one of those nights, grey and dull. As if everything living had fled to some other place, far away. The sea was looking angry and all SW could think of was that one mistake she had made. Loving him to the point of pushing everything else away. Losing herself to the thrill, but it was short lived. Now, alone and cold, she stared out into the dead waves as they came crashing one by one. It has been almost a month now since he went away. But it felt no different, he was still haunting her. In very shadow of every thought. In the whispers of the nights. He had this thing to him, a most malicious way of turning her inside out...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fridy night bliss

Considering it has been quite a while since I had been out and all, I was determined to have a jolly good time. Since the begining of winter though, it seems all I have been wearing has been jeans, jeans, jeans and despite the fact that I love my skinnies like any other gal, I felt it was time for a change. Decided to go for Zara fringed tee-shirt-dress, reminding me of that last bit of indian summer that have been missing for so long. Paired it up with a studded belt, two sweaters and jacket, legwarmers, black ugg boots and my favorite bag at the moment. The over-sized Zara milk-chocolate brown studded sweetie. Was also wearing my new favorite accessory, a chain headband I made out of an old necklace (too bad you can't really see it, s'the same color as my hair and I would have had to have taken a photo with my head tilting downwards and it just didn't occur to me there and then). Earrings are Topshop btw. Many thanks to Aja jaj for a perfect night;) Oh last photo is of Old Town square, how amazing does it look at nigth right? And actually how it's snowing in the picture it looks kinda cute and all but uggh, cannot wait for spring:D Have new sweet Zara collection wedges am DYING to take for a spin..


am cold inside where once lay joy
am tired now as none before
have spoken words but none of thy
that hover like a mist of misery.

am worried of the choices chose
repeating inside like old echoes
am hurt in turn to our vowes
forgetting the whats, the whens, the hows.

But none of it matters still.
Because in the end, I'm in love with him...