Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Furry Friends

 So I might be a bit obsessed with cutesy stuffed animals, I admit it. I see a soft cuddly toy and I'm probably gonna want it. I mostly go for piggy toys but I love sheep too. Anyways, M and I were browsing for home stuff (need a new trash bin) and we came across this beauty:

So cute and such lovely details. I fell in love a bit, but man, she was pricey!If I'm gonna spend nearly three thousand crowns, I'm going to be buying shoes. And M wasn't too impressed.

I really did want her though but I knew it wasn't complete love at first sight, it was love but just a bit. Then I came across this guy:

OMG, a sheep dressed up as a wolf? I knew that this indeed was love. He was even more expensive than sheep girl but like twice as cute, right? You can even take his little hood off.

Yup, that's right, he went home with me. And we cuddle like all the time:)) That's my smug face btw.. 

I'll have a shoe post for you later but now I have to go study. Exams, brrr!

1 comment:

Pink Haired Princess said...

Oh my, I didn't expect them to be so huge!! massive! I like the girl one best, but they are both cute.