Friday, September 11, 2009

Inspired by..

(From top to bottom): Morning tea and afternoon coffee. Without which I am a zombie.. Interesting places, where I would love to have a photoshoot one day. These steps on the way across the bridge to Ujezd are one of my favorite places and I think they hold such beauty. So one day soon I hope.. My sweetie Buddy. It's high time I paint him again. And of course the city itself. This is my home after all..


Very Veronique said...

Ohh forgot to mention: first photo, coffe cup is from my best friend's parents, who were really sweet to have thought of me whilest being on holiday about 2 years ago and to have brought me back this treasure:)) It's my fave cup because it's huuuge and also it has such a fabulous design. Sweet life indeed!

Julie said...

J'aime ton univers...

Very Veronique said...

Mais oui! moi aussi:D