Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Prague is really cold now so I've basically turned into the Eskimo man. Well, woman, obviously, but whatever.I'm having a really strange day day as I've been consistently looking for things and then thinking I had forgotten them somewhere and then finding them where I was looking for them in the first place. My mind is definitely elsewhere. I've been busy with submitting sequences into a database and there have been some issues. My computer has been acting up and I am seriously thinking it might be time for an upgrade. But, we'll see. It's almost time to head home from work and I need to walk the piggy and then get ready to go out.

This is moi in the morning as I was leaving for work and although it is a very strange photo, I kinda love my hair in it. Something must have happened to me since then because honestly, now it looks like crap. So good thing you can't see it now haha.

Shoes saved in the challenge: Ugg Australia boots
Worn on: Friday the 13th of December 2013 (yay! I love a Friday the 13th!)
Wearing: Zara Woman winter coat, Zara leopard print scarf, Zara Office City bag (a lot of Zara today!), Topshop very colorful dress, Stradivarius oversized black cardigan with leather-like elbow patches and pocket detailing

I was wearing a really comfortable and casual look today. I think I might wear something more "me" at night when I go out but the winter is really so not fun that I'm not sure. I don't want to be freezing to death and I'd hate to catch a cold so close to the holidays. So I dunno. I'll let you see either on Monday or maybe even during the weekend. I have some studying to do so I'll probably be on my computer anyways so I may as well blog. So until then, laters.


Pink Haired Princess said...

Yes, I'm loving your hair in this photo, so pretty.

Very Veronique said...

You know, sometimes I wish we lived closer and could just hang out. :))

Erika T. said...

That is such a pretty scarf! Usually my best hair moments are just before I get ready for bed. It hate it when it happens that way.